Shark Picture Storms Underwater Photographer Of The Year Competition

A stunning picture of sharks feeding at sunset set has awarded its photographer the prestigious title of underwater photographer of the year. It didn't even need anything in the foreground to give the sharks any scale.

It was taken by Renee Capozzola, who is alps the first woman to win the contest since it started in 1965. The mesmerising image, entitled 'Sharks Skylight" was captured by Capozzola in French Polynesia, in August 2020.

She now hopes that this image can be used as a force for good and that her photo can be used as a positive catalyst to shed light on the perilous plight of sharks in our oceans.

In a pre-recorded acceptance speech, Rennee said: "It is estimated that 70 to 100 million sharks are killed every single year, and obviously this is not sustainable.

"It is my hope that the publicity that this contest will generate will help to improve the awareness of the added protections that sharks need throughout the world."

It was a message that was echoed by one of the competition judges, Alex Mustard, who added: "This is an image of hope a glimpse of how the ocean can be when we give it a chance, thriving with spectacular life both below and above the surface."

Catch our exclusive interview with shark photographer and conservationist Euan Rannachan:

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