Jaws had the news reporter - played by the book's author Peter Benchley - whilst Maneater had the dullcet tones of Trip Westhaven, the host of the reality TV show Maneaters vs. Shark Hunters.

And now, he's back. Trip's been referred to as "the thinking man's Josh Gates", or is that the man who would like to think he was Josh Gates?

Either way, The Daily Jaws met Trip in a dimly lit underground car park - just to be on the same side - and talked in hushed tones about his latest investigation in Maneater: Truth Quest.

Trip dives into the murky world of shark experiments, so we asked him whether we'd perhaps seen this sort of thing before?

Q: First things first, Trip, how are you? Seems like your life has been consumed by this new project!

A: I’m great! I’ve never been better! When you start seeing through the lies of the extraterrestrial elites, when you start to do your own research, you can begin to assemble that many-faceted puzzle called “truth.” Now, this is a large puzzle, it’s like 24,000 pieces, but I’ve got the border almost completely assembled, and I’ve got the remaining pieces sorted by color—still, let me tell you, this one’s a doozy!

Q: We all know you from your wildly popular nature show, Maneater. For those uninitiated, can you give us your story? How did you find yourself as one of the leading voices in the world of shark-based entertainment?

A: For 25 years, I was the voice of superstation, WDOX. That is, until some spurious and unfounded rumors regarding my sexual proclivities were leaked during the divorce proceedings between me and my second wife, Susan. Well, I gigged around for a little while—sold boat insurance in South Padre, managed a T-shirt shop in Gulfport—then I got a call from my agent about Maneater. The rest, as they say, is “finstory.”

Q: You’ve clearly had a very unique career, what compelled you to deviate from your mainstream audience in favor of founding an online video channel?

A: I had a personal vision, a wake-up call, and I knew I had to break ranks with the mainstream media manipulators and their corporate-controlled agenda. Did you know that the programming manager at the Port Clovis Channel is a 32nd Degree Scottish Rite Freemason? I bet you didn’t know that. Anyway, that’s why I’m now on ViewTube. Although, I’m currently under a two-week suspension for violating their “harassment policies.” Such is the price for speaking the truth.

Q: There is a theory that some sharks share a psychic link to their intended victims. One such instance allegedly occurred when a great white shark followed a family to the Bahamas. What do you make of this and have you encountered any similar shark conspiracy theories?

A: I believe it. It probably has something to do with that Y-shaped brain of theirs. They say that those two things on the ends are “olfactory sacs,” but it wouldn’t surprise me if they were some sort of psychic antennae.

Q: Any reason why you decided to continue following the shark from your previous series? 

A: Let’s just say that a truth-seeker knows how to spot a fellow truth-seeker.

Q: On a related note, in the past scientists have genetically enhanced mako sharks in an effort to cure Alzheimer’s disease. Is it possible that the evolved sharks in Truth Quest are the result of similar experiments?

A: Why were they doing that? We’ve had an Alzheimer’s cure for decades! Are you familiar with the work of renowned aromatherapist Jade Leigh Rose? She’s cured hundreds of her patients' Alzheimer's with a mix of lavender, lemon balm, and bergamot essential oils—but don’t expect “mainstream medicine” to tell you that!

Q: During the Amity incident of 1974, the man who eventually killed the shark exploded a scuba tank in the animal’s mouth, blowing its head off. What’s the best way to kill a heavily evolved or mutated shark?

A: I’d never kill a shark! The sharks are the white hats, the good guys, they’re on our side. It’s those duplicitous whales you need to watch out for!

Q: What is the ideal-sized boat to successfully navigate Plover Island Military Complex? Do we need a bigger boat?

A: Conservatively speaking, I’d say you need a ballistic missile submarine armed with eighteen nuclear warheads.       

Q: Since this is The Daily Jaws, I have to ask. Have you seen Jaws? Are you a fan? 

A: I was staying at a La Quinta Inn in Orlando when I happened to catch a late-night showing of Santa Jaws. (Which I believe is the fifth film in the Jaws series.) I have to say, I wasn’t a fan. In my opinion, it was a cynical, unpleasant movie entirely antithetical to the spirit of the Christmas season.

Check out our review of Man Eater Truth Quest below!