Shark films have seen something of a resurgence over the last few years, with The Requin the latest to swim out in waters where the great white from Jaws is the apex predator of shark cinema.

So what can we expect from the latest film to flex its pectoral fins?

The Requin finds a couple, played by Alicia Silverstone (Clueless, Batman and Robin) and James Tupper (Big Little Lies), stranded at sea off the coast of Vietnam.

A tropical storm has washed away their holiday villa, but they aren't the only ones in the water. Can the couple survive the elements and a Great White shark tracking their every move?

What can we take from the trailer? Well, at first glance you'd be forgiven for thinking it looked like Up but with the wrecked villa floating on the open ocean.

It's hard to tell from the film just how much shark action we can expect and when they lose the floating villa, but with that title we can only hope it is plenty of fins and teeth on film.

Some of the scenes look very very much like they have been shot in a backlot pool or studio - another reason Jaws will always have the edge - and looks a tad artificial next to something like The Reef.

And the sharks? Well, that's what we are here for. They do look to come across a little mediocre on the CG front, which is where for many people this film will matter.

It looks a fairly standard people stranded in the middle of the ocean shark film, like The Reef, The Shallows and Great White, before it, so doesn't appear to be offering anything new to the genre. Although, to quote Matt Hooper, you aren't going to find a shark on the land.

Offering something new or not, that isn't going to stop us from devouring it when it opens. Sure, it isn't Jaws, what is? But if we never watched another science-fiction film because it wasn't Star Wars it would be a very dull place.

We know fellow shark film fans will lap it up and take it on its own merits when it is released, and who knows it could just swim into your top ten favourite shark films.

Words by Dean Newman

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