Movie make-up legend creating new version of JAWS' scariest prop

It’s the moment in JAWS that traumatised a generation… the moment we all look forward to when watching JAWS with someone who’s not seen it before…. the ‘Ben Gardner head scene’. Arguably the greatest jump scare ever put to film, Matt Hooper’s gruesome discovery was a last minute addition to JAWS as director Steven Spielberg felt his movie needed “…one more scare…”. The scene was filmed in the swimming pool belonging to JAWS editor Verna Fields and instantly became a classic movie moment.

Artist Werner Keppler with the original Ben Gardner head bust

Back in 1974, the ability to create life-like human props, especially when being used underwater, was very limited, leading some to feel that Ben’s head doesn’t really capture a true likeness of actor Craig Kingsbury. Now, almost 49 years since the movie’s release, movie makeup legend Nick Marra has begun to re-create Ben Gardner’s head using modern day techniques.

How the model head looked in the movie and actor Craig Kingsbury

Nick Marra has enjoyed a distinguished career spanning over 25 years in the movie makeup effects industry. His work has been featured in numerous films, television shows, and commercials. Among the notable films he has contributed to are Jurassic Park, Terminator 3, Chronicles of Narnia, Ali, and Lake Placid.

Nick Marra and Richard Dreyfuss pose with Nick’s incredible Quint sculpture

Nick moved to California to pursue his dreams, a decision he has never regretted. With over 150 movies to his credit, Nick’s work is held in high esteem, with personal pieces in the collections of Hollywood luminaries such as Sir Anthony Hopkins, Jim Cameron, Steven Spielberg, Quentin Tarantino, Robert Rodriguez, and Greg Nicotero, among many others.

Nick posted the photos below to update fans on how his Ben Gardner project is coming along.

I wanted to show my progress on something I’ve been working on. Many know that I’m a huge fan of the 1975 masterpiece JAWS. I’ve had many people wanting me to sculpt a Bruce the shark, I was never interested in that. Also many have asked if I’d sculpt a Ben Gardner head ( the head in the hull of the boat that scares Hooper ). I was also not keen on doing that - the reason was when I saw the film for the first time I remember thinking “ who’s that a head of ? “ . It didn’t look like the actor IMO. So I thought maybe what I might do is do a version of what I thought looked more like Craig Kingsbury but still have the feel for the epic shot in the movie . I’m having a blast with this guy, next stop is the hair department!!
— Nick Marra, Facebook

Nick also created a life size sculpture of Robert Shaw as Quint that now resides with one of the greatest JAWS collectors in the world, Jeremy Wagner. Watch the unveiling of Quint and our exclusive interview with Nick and Jeremy below.

Watch the original scene here

Words by Ross Williams

Images of new Ben Gardner sculpture courtesy of Nick Marra

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