JAWS fans name 'The Shallows' as greatest shark movie of last 10 years

Since its release in 1975, Jaws has stood as the definitive shark movie, not only reshaping the horror genre but also setting the bar for future shark-related films. Directed by Steven Spielberg, the film captured the fear of the unknown lurking beneath the waves and created a lasting legacy of both pop culture reverence and intense fear of sharks. In the decades since, many films have tried to recapture that Jaws magic, but few have been successful. However, among modern shark films, one movie has earned the admiration of Jaws fans, standing out as the best of the last decade: The Shallows (2016).

Directed by Jaume Collet-Serra and starring Blake Lively, The Shallows quickly became a favorite among shark-movie enthusiasts, including die-hard Jaws fans. But what is it about this film that elevates it to such a high level in the eyes of a community notoriously tough to please? Several key factors contribute to its distinction: its blend of realism and suspense, its character-driven storytelling, and its focus on a single, menacing shark reminiscent of the classic Jaws terror.

A Return to Suspense and Simplicity

One of the primary reasons The Shallows resonates with Jaws fans is its effective use of suspense, something the original film mastered. In a genre where shark movies often resort to over-the-top action, cheap CGI effects, or multiple sharks for shock value, The Shallows takes a more minimalistic approach. The story centers on Nancy (Blake Lively), a medical student who becomes stranded on a rock just a few hundred yards from shore, with a great white shark circling beneath the water.

Much like Jaws, the film creates fear not through constant action but through tension. The shark is a looming presence, rarely seen in full but always felt. This restraint is what made Jaws so effective in the first place. Spielberg famously used a malfunctioning mechanical shark in the original, forcing him to imply the creature's presence rather than show it outright. Collet-Serra adopts a similar approach in The Shallows, emphasizing the terror of the unknown and the anticipation of an attack rather than relying on gory visuals.

This return to suspense-driven horror speaks to fans of the original Jaws, who appreciate a shark movie that respects their intelligence rather than relying on pure spectacle. The Shallows balances visceral tension with moments of calm, allowing the audience to feel the same isolation and vulnerability as the protagonist.

A Character-Driven Survival Story

Another aspect that makes The Shallows stand out is its focus on character. In many modern shark films, characters are often disposable, mere fodder for the shark to attack. In contrast, The Shallows centers its entire narrative around one person's survival. Nancy is not just a bystander waiting to be attacked; she is resourceful, resilient, and determined to survive. Her personal journey mirrors that of Chief Brody in Jaws, a character who must overcome his own fears to protect those around him.

Blake Lively's performance as Nancy is key to the film's success. She brings depth to the character, allowing the audience to connect with her on an emotional level. Her fear, pain, and perseverance are palpable, and viewers find themselves rooting for her survival. This emotional connection is crucial to the film's impact, as it elevates the stakes beyond just a simple man-versus-shark scenario. Much like Jaws, where the audience invests in the fates of Brody, Hooper, and Quint, The Shallows invites viewers to become deeply invested in Nancy’s struggle to outwit and survive the relentless predator.

This character-driven approach makes The Shallows more than just a shark movie—it’s a story of survival, willpower, and the human spirit. Fans of Jaws—a film known for its memorable characters and their arcs—see this same dynamic at play in The Shallows, making it a standout in the genre.

A Shark with Character

The Shallows behind the scenes

What also sets The Shallows apart from its competitors is the depiction of the shark itself. In many recent shark movies, the creature is often an exaggerated version of reality, either through its size, its intelligence, or the number of sharks attacking at once. Films like Sharknado and The Meg have turned the predator into a fantastical, almost cartoonish monster. While this approach can be fun for some, it often alienates fans of Jaws, who appreciate a more grounded and realistic portrayal of the great white shark.

In The Shallows, the shark is dangerous and aggressive, but it is still very much a real animal. Its actions are believable within the context of its natural behavior. While it relentlessly hunts Nancy, it’s not depicted as a supernatural force, but rather a territorial predator defending its hunting grounds. This balance between realism and terror is something Jaws fans have been seeking in modern shark movies, and The Shallows delivers it.

Furthermore, like the shark in Jaws, the shark in The Shallows feels almost like a character in its own right. It’s not just a mindless creature; it has a presence that dominates the film, much like the unseen but ever-present danger in Jaws. This personal, adversarial dynamic between Nancy and the shark echoes the iconic showdown between Brody and the great white in Jaws, creating a sense of personal stakes and a thrilling climax.

Further reading

Conclusion: A Modern Shark Classic

While Jaws remains the undisputed king of shark movies, The Shallows has managed to capture the hearts of the franchise's fans in a way few others have. Its combination of suspense, character-driven storytelling, and realistic shark portrayal make it a modern-day classic in the genre. By harkening back to the fundamentals that made Jaws great—building tension through the unknown, creating relatable characters, and focusing on a single, menacing shark—The Shallows has earned its place as the greatest shark movie of the last ten years.

For Jaws fans who have grown weary of the overblown, CGI-heavy shark films that have dominated the genre in recent years, The Shallows offers a return to form. It’s a film that respects both the audience and the shark, delivering thrills, suspense, and an unforgettable battle of survival. As a result, it’s no surprise that it has been named the greatest shark movie of the last decade by fans of the original Jaws.

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