Bail to the Chief: NECA Jaws Brody figure cancelled

We've got to come down here and Chum some of this shit news. The NECA figure of Chief Brody has been cancelled. 

Remember the excitement with the news of  the detailed Jaws NECA figures of Chief Brody and Quint, was announced? Well, the makers have just announced that they have had to cancel the Chief Brody figure due to a licensing conflict. 

One thing is for sure, Amity Hardware are going to be annoyed, they'd ordered a bumper number of Chief Brody figures. 

We don't think that's funny, we don't think that's funny at all. This news blows, more than the oxygen tank that would have come with the detailed figure. 

What's your reaction and what does this mean for this once hotly anticipated Jaws collection?

Well, Quint is still on his way - he was scheduled for the end of September but has now been rescheduled for January 2021.

There were suggestions of a shark and Orca, but with no Chief Brody and no mention of a Matt Hooper figure is this Jaws set just like Quint in the film, dead in the water? 

Read our original story here