SOLD OUT aren’t words we like to hear. So when our good friends over at Vice Press News and Bottleneck Gallery announced that their new Jaws and Jaws 2 prints by artist Andy Fairhurst had sold out within 24 hours of going on sale, we weren’t surprised.

We also knew there would be a huge number of disappointed JAWS fans hoping to get they fins on these masterpieces so The Daily Jaws is very excited to offer one lucky follower the chance to WIN the prints (see image below).

How To Win

To be in with a chance of winning, correctly answer the question below and post your answer in the comments of the giveaway post on our social media (facebook, Twitter and/or instagram):

“When Brody arrives at the Grand Ball opening (Jaws 2) which song are the band playing?“

Giveaway closes in 24 hours (Wednesday 9th December 8pm GMT).

Good luck!

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