The Daily Jaws Short Story Challenge (2020) - Vote For Your Winner!

November was National Novel Writing Month, an annual Internet-based creative writing challenge that sees people from all other word attempting to write a novel in 30 days. Participants attempt to write a 50,000-word manuscript (author Peter Benchley wrote Jaws in 83,955 words) between November 1 and November 30.

The Daily Jaws thought it would be fun to challenge our followers to a ‘watered down’ version by posing a 1500 word (maximum) short story task. We had over 50 brilliant entries from bloggers, film fans, authors and first time writers. It was very hard but we whittled down the entries to a short list of 6 stories, and we need you to help our mystery panel pick the winner! Links to the short listed stories are below.

A Plague Of Teeth

Pacific Overture

Sweet Dreams In Amity

The Boy

The Girl

Through Hendrick’s Eyes


Once you have read the short stories, vote for your favourite using our poll below. Poll closes midnight (PST) Sunday 13th December. Top 3 placings announced Monday 14th December. Happy reading!

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