Sculpting Jaws: Interview With Euan Rannachan

Euan Rannachan was first featured on The Daily Jaws for his viral photo of a Great White shark approaching the surface, almost identical to the iconic Jaws poster created by Roger Kastel. We were thrilled to learn Euan’s next creative project would to sculpt shark jaws so we caught with him to learn more.

TDJ: Hey Euan, great to be speaking with you again. For readers unfamiliar with you, tell us about yourself.

ER: I’m Euan Rannachan. Originally born in London, England. I have lived in the US with my family for about 20 years now and currently live near Lake Tahoe California. Im a photographer, film creator, and art director. Photographing the white Sharks at Guadalupe in Mexico has become my main driving force and some would say obsession. Along with a good friend we run a company taking people out to the island to see these amazing animals. More info can be found on our site


TDJ: What inspired you to create your shark jaws sculpture?

ER: Well my office has slowly become a shrine to my toothy friends. The walls adorned with photos I have taken and now things I have made that symbolize them. I have always wanted a life size set of jaws to show people who come in the real size of some of these fish. Looking online I was astounded at the price of anything that looked realistic. So like the complete white shark head I made a couple years ago (photos attached also) I decided to make my own.


TDJ: What materials did you use?

ER: So I started with a very rough model I found online of a real scan off a 23ft female white sharks jaws. I then had quite a lot of work to do to clean that model up and break it down into parts that my 3d printer could handle. After almost two solid weeks all 26 parts were printed. Then It was a matter of securing them together and filling any cracks or problems with the model. Then to add more detail with wood filler and thick glue. After the “jaws” were together the last step before paint was to create all the teeth and put them in. Blending them into the model, then painting the entire thing. It took about 3 weeks of constant work. A lot more to be fair than I thought it was going to take.


TDJ: What species of shark jaws did recreate? Why did you choose this species?

ER: Well since I have spent countless hours in the water with them and they are really all I think about… it had to be a Great white shark.


TDJ: hat has been the reaction to the piece?

ER: I think people like it. I don’t really know hahah. I have not had anyone new other than my family into the room to check them out. But Im excited to show them off when I get the chance.


TDJ: What was the most part of the process?

ER: I think you were going to ask the hardest part of the process. I think for me it was getting the overall shape I wanted to show off. For some reason all the jaws I saw online people had made or you could buy seemed to be the wrong shape for the size sharks we get out at Guadalupe. So getting that right was tricky. The rest was just not a walk in the park either if im honest but I enjoyed all the problem solving 


TDJ: Any advice to anyone looking to create their own piece of shark jaws art work?

ER: Have fun with it. In the end of the day I made these for me. They convey what I was trying to display so thats a win in my book. That’s the thing with art, its subjective so don’t get to bent out of shape if someone does not see it the way you do. Or just pay me to make you one lol.


TDJ: What's the next piece you will be doing?

ER: Hmmm great question…. Im not really sure yet. I have had a couple people interested in one of these so maybe some commissions…If anyone reading this wants one feel free to email me or if you just want to see more of my shark images check out my Instagram @euanart

Euan Rannachan was interviewed by Ross Williams for The Daily Jaws

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