Finatic Jawshua Has Jawsome 5th Birthday

Meet Jaws finatic Josh, the super cool 5 year old Jaws fan from San Diego.

The Daily Jaws (TDJ): Hey Josh! Thanks for talking time out to talk to us. We loved your jawsome photos - you really rock the Jaws cosplay! Tell us a little bit about yourself.

Josh (J): My name is Joshua and I just turned 5 years old. I live in San Diego, California with my mom, dad and 2 older brothers. I like to play with my shark puppet, build Legos, lightsabers, Minecraft and make stop-motion movies with Godzilla. Other movies I like are 2012, Home Alone, Sonic The Hedgehog, The Meg, Godzilla and Cars 3.

TDJ: when, where, how old and who were you with when your first saw jaws? 
J: I discovered Jaws 3 months before my 5th birthday when I saw it on TV.  I loved the movie so much that I asked to have a Jaws themed birthday.

TDJ: Why do you love Jaws?

J: I love Jaws because I love great white sharks.

TDJ: Who is your fav character and why?

J: I really like Chief Brody & Quint because they are brave.

TDJ: Favourite moment in the movie and why?

J: My favorite moment in the movie is when Chief Brody killed Jaws because he got rid of Jaws so he won’t kill people anymore.

TDJ: what is the most treasured item in your Jaws collection?
J: My Jaws blanket is my most treasured item in my Jaws collection and I take it everywhere I go.

TDJ: What do you think of the sequels?

J: I’ve have seen Jaws 2 and parts of Jaws 3 but I like the original Jaws the best.

TDJ: When do you think is a good age to show Jaws to kids? And why?

J: I was 4 when I first watched Jaws. I was scared at first but I watched a lot of behind the scenes so I knew it was fake.

TDJ: Who would you like to meet/have you met anyone from the Jaws family (actors etc)? And what would you ask them?
J: I would’ve like to meet Quint & Chief Brody because they were brave enough to face Jaws. If I got the chance to meet them I would give them high-fives!

Are a Jaws finatic like Josh? If so, we’d love to hear from you! Contact us at and put your name and jaws finatic in the subject and we’ll get back to you!

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