Jaws Fan Creates Snow Shark!

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in your garden, a Jaws-inspired shark made of snow has been created by a horror film fan in Suffolk.

The snow shark was created in Peter Edgecombe's front garden as a homage to Bruce, the mechanical shark in Steven Spielberg's 1975 thriller, Jaws.

Peter even re-enacted the death of Quint, machete and all, let's just hope he didn't get too close and get frostbite.

Great White sharks may be more used to warmer climes, but that still hasn't stop sharksploitation films getting in on the snow shark action with, um, Snow Sharks (2011) and Ice Sharks (2016). Sadly, There's Been A Bit of a Frost Sharks and Sleet Sharks never materialised.

Words by Dean Newman

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