Fan Creates Underground Map Showing Jaws Plot Lines

Jaws is a masterclass in story telling, bringing together vivid characters navigating their way through carefully written and woven plot lines - but have you ever scene the story of Jaws and plot interplay represented visually? Nope, neither had we. That is until Jaws fan Mike Bell created an underground / tube (subway / metro) map showing how the complete wonder of Jaws.

Where did the idea for the Jaws tube map come from?

I had wondered what my local town would look like if I gave it a (fake) London Underground-style Tube (transit) map. It was mid-Covid lockdown in the UK and I was bored! My show design work has gone & I needed to exert some stresses on my creativity! After doing a few towns, and counties, in the UK, I then had this (daft?) idea that the process could be applied to a film or novel. Jaws jumped (!) out at me - a great classical plot & timeless. 

How many drafts of the tube map did it take  to get it right?

I did it in one version - start to end - a labour of love - 'Jaws' is a fabulous movie to sink your teeth into (groans)

Did that mean you had to watch Jaws lots of times?

I watched it all the way through again before hand, then went scene-to-scene on my secondary screen, via Amazon, so I was pausing scenes, checking actors, and plot points, plus looking forward - managing 'lines'. Amazon adds in 'facts' in the mode I watch, which can be quite interesting, or quite distracting. I used Imdb, Wikipedia and searches to check as much as possible.

What was the hardest part of the project? 

Keeping the will to finish! I didn't know if it would work - this was my first 'Plot Lines'. I have since completed 'Dirty Dancing'. Next is 'Back to the Future.'

How long did the project take to complete from start to end? 

About 20 hours ...  Locations - my place maps - are easier projects. So the film & book plot lines will drip onto my website with less speed.

Who had the most complicated timeline?

The Great White! Then I had the idea of including the points at which the F & F sharp ominous notes were played. At the end of the film I think the 'chase' is well represented (by accident, more than design) of the weaving lines. 

And who has the simplest? 

Chrissie! But then I had to put her remains on a dotted line - she has a later cameo..

Were there any Jaws characters you couldn't include, but wish had like Michael Brody or Ben Gardner? 

Yes, it would have been a huge task & too much visual information. With these I have had to restrict the 'lines' to major characters

Would you ever consider doing it for any of the Jaws sequels?

I think I will do the sequels. In the longer term all the film tube maps will feature in coffee book collections. So using that format to show any series would work so well. 

Which is your favourite character in Jaws?

My favourite is Pippet. Innocent, a beautiful, selfless performance. Sadly missed.

Have you a favourite moment of the film? 

The focus-pull on the Chief as Alex K gets attacked  (location C3 on my map!)

Anything I've missed or anything else you wanted to add? 

How have fans reacted to your Jaws tube map?

The feedback from yourselves, and other film fans, has really lifted my senses. My usual show design work went in March. This isn't bringing me the same income, but it is paying me in likes and loves. Thank you. If there are any films that NEED to be mapped let me know - Thank you.

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