Interview with JAWS 3-D actress Cathy Cervenka
Like some damn shark’s mother, The Daily Jaws swims up very slowly to JAWS 3D actress Cathy Cervenka. She played Sherrie in the Joe Alves directed threequel to the original Steven Spielberg blockbuster, and although you may not know her name, you’ll be sure to recognise her scenes at SeaWorld.
Cathy may only have four minutes of screentime, but that’s what the shark had in JAWS, so she is in good company and is still able to offer us a really interesting insight into her time on set and the legacy of JAWS 3D.
TDJ: Had you seen Jaws or Jaws 2 prior to your involvement in Jaws 3D?
CC: YES - I LOVE THOSE MOVIES! Jaws is possibly my favorite movie of all time. I only wish Jaws 3D could have lived up to it ;)
TDJ. How did you find out about the part?
CC: My dad was the construction project manager for SeaWorld! He heard about the movie being filmed there, and found out when the auditions were being held for the smaller roles. So I went! The rest is history...
TDJ: Did you have any acting experience prior to your role on Jaws 3D?
CC: Not really - but I was always performing at home, singing in my bedroom - typical teenager:) And with my loud voice, I knew I could scream!
Actress Cathy Cervenka ventures deeper into the Undersea Kingdom
TDJ: What part did you play and did you have a character name?
CC: Ha - yes, my screen name is Sherrie - though I only knew that because it was in the script. In the four minutes I am on screen, no one says my name. It's a great Jaws 3D trivia question right?
TDJ: Did you film on location at Sea World or studio filming? Both?
CC: Both.
TDJ: Did you perform any scenes that were left out of the final cut of the movie?
CC: There were a couple of scenes I filmed that were not used. I was most upset that we were part of a cool shark attack scene (which would have gotten us more screen time AND actual lines!), where we were in line for the 'bumper boats' ride, and a heavyset guy pushes past us in line. He then goes out on a boat and the shark pulls him under! It was scary and bloody to watch - loved it. Sadly, the always malfunctioning camera screwed it up and they could not use the footage in the end.
TDJ: Were you supplied with your wardrobe or asked to bring clothes from home? If so did you keep any of your wardrobe that was screen used?
CC: Actually there is a funny story about the movie I wear hideous green terrycloth shorts overalls (for lack of a better description). I HATED THEM - they were not flattering, and very 'uncool' for the time. The second day of shooting when I went to pick them up from the wardrobe trailer, one of the ladies working there says "Oh, that's the jumper Leah Thompson wouldn't wear." I've hated Leah Thompson ever since. And green terrycloth shorts jumpers.
TDJ: How many days of shooting did it take to complete your scenes?
CC: My memory is that I was there a few weeks?
Making of 'The Undersea Kindgom' in JAWS 3-D
TDJ: How many takes? Any notable bloopers or prop malfunctions?
CC: In my infamous fake octopus tentacle scene, there is a prop involved, so yes, they did have to redo it more than a few times - mostly to do closeups of the tentacle for that hilarious 3D effect moment when it flings out at the audience. It was tedious, because that tentacle you see is just made out of foam rubber! And it's hanging on a string like a puppet! So it was not actually mechanical and could not really 'grab' me - someone was operating it from above and I had to pretend it was choking me. That was some good acting, I might add. LOL
In my memory, the entire movie was kind of a mess with the new 3D camera technology they were using - I think that is why the movie looks so murky and also why some good scenes did not make it into the movie. You may know more about that than I do!
TDJ: Did you see the shark props during filming or just the props you interacted with on screen?
CC: Yes, we could see some sharks set up in the soundstage - they were always working on them...I wish now I paid more attention to all that stuff. I was so nervous being a teenager on a set for the first time...missed the good stuff.
TDJ: Did you meet any of the principal cast during your time on set?
CC: I met them all - just to say hello. I tried to be cool and leave them alone mostly.
TDJ: Did you personally know the other actresses that played your friends?
CC: No, they were strangers to me. On set I hung out mostly with all the fun extras in the movie who were locals like me from the Orlando area....a movie set is soooo boring with long wait times, so we were always causing trouble and nosing around. Good times:)
TDJ: Did you audition for your role. And what did that entail?
CC: Yes - it was a cold call - I waited in a room, the casting people called me in, and I read a page of dialogue between the three girls (I'm one of three teen girls walking about SeaWorld in the movie). I had to do a loud scream. They ended up choosing me for the octopus tentacle scene and the other screaming girl is the one whose face gets pressed up against the glass in the tunnel when the first shark victim's head floats up and people are freaking out!
TDJ: Did you attend a premiere of the film?
CC: Yes I went to the premiere they had at SeaWorld - it was really cool - with drinks and food outside the theater. And funny you asked about that - I just found some home movie footage of me there! It's amazing - so vintage.
TDJ: When did you first see Jaws 3D and was it in 3D?
CC: Yes in 3D - at SeaWorld premiere.
TDJ: What did you think of the movie when you finally saw it?
CC: Well, I LOVE it for the kitsch factor, the big name stars in it, and because it's a Jaws movie...but it doesn't have enough deaths or shark action in it. I do NOT think it's the best Jaws movie. Or the worst, luckily;)
TDJ: Have you ever been recognised as a result of appearing in Jaws 3D?
CC: Haha - NO - thank god!
TDJ: Did you consider a career in movies following your performance and audition for other roles?
CC: I wish I had pursued acting more seriously after that - especially if I knew I could get residual checks the rest of my life! I did get into showbiz by singing and being in bands - that turned out to be my real passion. I now live in NYC and perform regularly. (You can see what I do at or #cathylandrocks on FB, IG and The Cathyland Channel on YouTube!)
TDJ: Ballpark, what did you earn for your appearance?
CC: I believe it was $250/day - which was a lot for a teen in the 80s.
TDJ: What is your view on sharks do they scare you?
CC: YES - the first movie did me in.
TDJ: What are you up to now?
CC: I now live in NYC and perform regularly singing, hosting and producing rock tribute shows! (You can see what I do at or #cathylandrocks on FB, IG and The Cathyland Channel on YouTube!)
TDJ: Do you own a copy of the movie and watch it?
CC: LOL yes, I own a VHS copy of it. I never need to watch it - my friends text/call/email me every time it comes on streaming to tell me to turn it on so they can laugh at me. That's enough.
TDJ:. Anything specific you can remember about the filming, locations, sets buzz around the place. Really just anything you might like to add?
CC: It was so fun, and such a unique experience being in the theme park AND shooting a movie. The waterskiers were my favorite part of SeaWorld back then, so I was thrilled to watch them.
TDJ: Do you have any Jaws memorabilia?
CC: Not really - I do have the trading cards, a Fangoria magazine I'm in and possibly my 3D glasses from the premiere in my closet. I can look for you:)
TDJ: Did you or your family take any behind the scenes photos at the time?
CC: Funny you should ask... I have a shoebox of photos...will have to dig them out if you are interested...
TDJ: Your character name is Sherrie as credited was that assigned to you in the script or did you have any input with that was it ever used in filming (additional scenes not used)?
CC: I was chosen for that role, had no input. Yes, there were some cut scenes. I can't imagine why they weren't featured on the Blu-Ray....;)
TDJ: You show up on screen twice in the entrance to the Under Sea Kingdom (on location Sea World) which we assume went nowhere and then the depiction of the interactive area with the octopus arm that grabs you. Was that shot on a controlled set off site? Any memories of that scene?
CC: I described it a bit above....yes that scene was shot on the soundstage - in a big warehouse off Sand Lake Road in Orlando (this was before there were ANY movie facilities in Orlando remember). I remember it was always humid and wet in there, because they kept spraying the fake underwater rocks with water to look wet...and then the infamous tentacle that was really hanging on a string. haha.
TDJ: You then appear in the Overman reveal which looks like a lot of blue screen filming inside the attraction tunnels. How were you directed for your big reaction moment? Did you see the overman prop prior or was that not in view for your reaction cue?
CC: We did not see the prop at all - all green screen - I have some backstage photos of that set up....fake glass tunnels etc. It was pretty cool. My dad built the actual "Shark Encounter" at SeaWorld that this ride was modeled after by the way.
Cathy Cervenka was interviewed by Paul Naylor
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