Colorado Govermor celebrates having joint least US shark attacks, which is hardly surprising, as it is landlocked.

There was somewhat dubious rejoicing from a Colorado Governor, who celebrated having zero shark attacks...but then it is a landlocked state.

Jared Polis confidently tweeted: “Colorado is tied for state with the least shark attacks!”. He also included a shark emoji for good measure.

A spokesperson for the Governor didn't exactly clear anything up wheen he spoke to the Denver Post. He said: "“Coloradans and others from across the world love exploring our mountains, rivers, lakes and plains while safely avoiding the swarms of dangerous sharks in other, less attractive destinations like Texas, California and Florida.”

Swarms of sharks? Wow, not going to get himself into the National Geographic with those levels of shark knowledge.

Thankfully, shark attacks (even outside of Colorado) are rare. Here's the global figures from the International Shark Attack File 2020: International Shark Attack File 2020 Shows Encounters Down But Fatalities Up

Words by Dean Newman

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