How One Fan's Jaws Dream Came True

When I was a boy, I fell in love with Jaws just like every other person on the planet.  I was not alive when it was released, so I remember sneaking a peek at it when I was little.  Seeing the big shark on a small black and white tv scarred me for life.  Fast forward a couple years and I recall hearing on a radio at a department store that the Jaws shark would be on display at the museum of Science and industry in Chicago.  I lived in a small lake-shore town called Sheboygan Wisconsin. 

The closest I came to Amity was walking out to the lighthouse pretending to see dark shapes in the water, getting scared and going home.  I begged my father to take me and my sister and he agreed.  We hopped on a train and headed to Chicago.  I remember the anticipation was high.  I would fantasize about how he would look.  Would they have lights in water to simulate the underwater?  Would I be able to touch it?  Sadly, none of this would happen because when we arrived, the exhibit was not set to open for a couple days.  I was devastated.  I was beside myself, how could I have screwed up so badly?

Fast forward many years and I was given a Christmas present.  It was a laserdisc box set of Jaws.  My friend Troy got it because he worked at a used CD shop.  This came in and he knew I would love it.  I opened the box and it had a mint copy of the book and sealed CD.  It also had folded insert.  I opened it and a slip of paper fell out.  I focused my eyes and I gasped.  I didn’t speak for a minute or two.  Troy asked me what was wrong.  The paper was a clipping from a newspaper showing the now-faded memory of the Jaws (the Revenge) shark. 

Jason with his JAWS laser disc

This was THE shark that I was supposed to see when I was a little boy.  How?!  This clipping made its way from Chicago, to Kansas and into a used CD shop and into my hands.  I could not believe it.  I took my story to Facebook.  Most people clicked like but they didn’t know the impact this had on me.  I was already planning to go to Martha’s Vineyard to visit some friends and they offered to show me the island.  As luck would have it, I was also contacted by a stranger named Jim Bellar.  I didn’t know the man or his Jaws connections.  He told me who he was and offered to show me the island, and let me meet some cast and crew.  I was beside myself.  An unfulfilled dream of a child was now manifesting into a full blown fever dream.  

I went on that trip and it was better than I ever imagined.  I got to meet Alex Kintner, chatted with the author of the making-of and had lunch with the Greg Nicotero Bruce head at Sharkies.  I got to hold a real Jaws tooth, got to meet the Murphy’s and hold a giant piece of the Orca hull.  I will have these memories forever.  Don’t ever give up on your dreams, as ludicrous as they may seem.  

By Jason Deehr

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