Shiver of sharks feeding frenzy captured on video

A stunning video has caught the moment a shark feeding frenzy erupted in the water off the coast of Louisiana.

The footage of seemingly foaming water was captured from the back of a boat by Dillon May and features a large group of sharks feeding on an unfortunate pod of menhaden, a small fish, common off that coast.

Such feeding frenzies are an arresting sight, but are not uncommon and with sharks mostly occur on  - as with this case - pods of fish, but also where there are seals.

On very rare occasions such a shark feeding frenzy has also been witnessed during ship sinkings, especially in times of war, with the sinking of the Nova Scotia steamship or the USS Indianapolis during World War 2.

The latter made famous by the stunning Quint monologue delivered by Robert Shaw to Brody (Roy Scheider) and Hooper on board the Orca in JAWS (1975).

Talking of the Steven Spielberg shark movie, Louisiana is of course the state featured on the license plate that Matt Hooper (Richard Dreyfuss) takes out of the dead tiger shark.

 Words by Dean Newman

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