Fans exchange love for shark classic in globetrotting 'JAWS Diary'

The celebration of classic movies can take many forms… especially a movie as loved and lauded as JAWS. However, one JAWS fan has created a very unique way of spreading the shark classic love in the form of a diary that other fans can contribute to. We spoke with ‘JAWS diary’ creator Jenny Hedden Stowe to learn more…

The Daily Jaws (TDJ): Tell us about the first time you watched JAWS…

Jenny: I was 7 years old going on 8. I went to the cinema with my mom (who that it was a fishing movie for sharks) and my best friend Kim. Watching Jaws was an experience of screaming, jumping from my seat, hairs sticking up on my arms, on the verge of tears, terrorizing, excited and funny movies I ever witnessed. It is going through ever emotion you have all in one motion picture.

TDJ: What does JAWS mean to you?

Jenny: Jaws represents one of the best moments of my childhood! It was a special moment I got to share with my mom. Unfortunately she passed in 2004 but everytime I watch Jaws my mom is right beside me.

TDJ: Why do you think JAWS has such longevity?

Jenny: I believe its the worlds fascination with sharks especially shark attacks. I personally had never heard of a shark attack until I saw the movie and then every time I heard of one I wanted to know more about it. I couldnt tell you how many times I have watched Jaws just to get that chill of wonderment.

TDJ: Do you have a favourite character?

Jenny: The "A What??" guy! That guy gave me the insight that there is more than one type of shark. I had no idea. So I connected with him on that level of not knowing any better. Now I know different types of sharks thanks to him.

TDJ: Do you have a favourite moment?

Jenny: When Hooper swims to the surface at the end still alive and he asks about Quint.

TDJ: Tell us about the ‘JAWS diary’…

Jenny: Its a note book that is being sent around to Amity Jaws Group members for each person to write on one page front and back to share their first experience watching the classic Jaws. You receive the book and read others memories and then add your own.

TDJ: What inspired you to create the JAWS diary?

Jenny: The credit would have to go to the great folks at Amity Jaws Group. Martin Bushell, Robyn Tierney, Zchaly McDonnell, James Collins and Paul Shaffer. They are the great admins and moderators that allow the group to grow by adding new members and keeping our "beaches" clean. Each time a new member is added they either show off their Jaws collections or tell their Jaws story of when they watched the movie for the first time. I enjoyed reading their stories and thought how cool would it be to have this all in one book so everyone can read them. I went through the proper channels in order to see if this would be okay to share with the group and Martin said yes.

TDJ: How did you create the diary?

Jenny: I went to the store and purchased a sturdy note book, some shark stickers and some paint. I decorated it and then I made the first entry and sent it off. Anyone interested sends me their address and I put them on the list. Its been quite successfull! I surprised myself because I didnt know if anyone would be interested by they loved the idea! I have people from the U.S., Canada, UK and Australia all wanting to participate!

TDJ: What advice would you offer to anyone looking to do a similar project?

Jenny: Be a member of a great group like Amity Jaws Group which we love our motto "Amity Means Friendship". Or any other groups you have interest in and see if the members would be interested in sharing their stories. If so then start your own diary. Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to "The Jaws Diaries 75". Its been the best experience!

Jenny Hedden Stowe was interviewed by Ross Williams for The Daily Jaws

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