Quint's iconic boat, bigger doesn't mean better. Hooper drives it, end of.
The Orca is one of, if not the most iconic boat in cinema and one Jaws fan is working to re-create it using a 77 year old 38ft lobster boat with a 12ft beam, named ‘Betselma’.
As integral a part of Jaws as the shark, Brody, Quint and Hooper is the Orca. She's to Jaws what the DeLorean is to Back to the Future or the Aston Martin DB5 is to James Bond.
It’s as iconic as its captain, Brody, Hooper or Bruce and is instantly recognisable, even when it isracing round the pond at Southchurch Park, which is where The Daily Jaws’ Chief Writer, DeanNewman, was lucky enough to meet the man and his machine, which he built from scratch over aperiod of six months.
A few years back, my two sons asked for one thing for Christmas. They wanted their own proton packs. Looking online, it was about £80 each for the old Kenner toys, which were about as sturdy as Ben Gardner’s boat, or the super expensive prop packs which came in at about £500 a piece. I didn’t have a £1000 to blow on toys. But I had about 8 weeks before Christmas, so I set about building my own!
There’s not a boat that really matches the iconic Orca from Jaws - but a few that maybe come close.