World Famous 'Shark Bus' For Sale

That's a 20-seater….


Hooper may drive the boat, but now you've got the opportunity to drive the shark bus. Yep, you read that right, a bus in the shape of a killer shark.

The bus in question is a 2005 Toyota Coaster Bus, a 21-seater (yes we are disappointed it wasn't 25) and bidding is already up to over $13,700 on Trade Me

For that you get the fake head, the fake tail, the whole damn bus. The only catch, it needs a bit of TLC and the buyer also has to collect it from Auckland, New Zealand.

The head-turning shark-shaped bus had been used to take passengers to Kelly Tarlton's Aquarium for the last 11 years.

Perhaps The Daily Jaws should have it as their tour bus?