JAWS twosome: Great White Shark duo are b(e)ast buddies

You can catch The Shark Is Broken from 25th July 2023 at the Golden Theater, New York, NYC. 

Great White Sharks are renowned for being solitary creatures, but Simon and Jekyll seem to have struck up something of a shark partnership, according to OCEARCH.

That’s right, these fish are friends, and have been tracked swimming together “in tandem” up the coast of North America for more than 4,000 miles.

Bob Hueter, the chief scientist at Ocearch, said: "This is potentially groundbreaking…We've never seen anything quite like this before."

The juvenile sharks were tagged back in December and have remained a pair of swimming buds ever since. To paraphrase Mayor Vaughn from JAWS, Great White Sharks swimming together, as you know, means friendship.

Further tests are being done to see if the pair are even related, perhaps siblings, but nothing has yet been confirmed.

Whether the pair will remain BFF – that’s Best Fins Forever – remains to be seen, but either way it is great that these majestic and often misunderstood apex predators still continue to marvel and astound us.

Words by Dean Newman

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