Close Encounters of the Great White Shark Kind

Films and media would suggest that your life is in danger if you are just near a Great White shark in the water, not so.

In fact it turns out that close encounters of the shark kind occur more often than you would think, and nothing happens, most of the time the humans in the water don't even know they have been sharing their space with a Great White.

We reported earlier this year how drones were being used to help track sharks: Best Great White Shark Drone Footage of 2020

Carlos Gauna, a Malibu wildlife photographer has been using his drone to film hours aerial shots of sharks across the coastline of San Diego to Santa Barbara.

And his footage has gone viral on social media, showing sharks swimming within feet of people, who never even knew they were there.

But experts say that doesn't mean that it is something we should be worried about, as shark attacks are extremely rare: International Shark Attack File 2020 Shows Encounters Down But Fatalities Up

Put simply, if you are in the ocean in Southern California then you are never going to be far from a Great White. It is where they live.

Carlos said: “I’ve flown out 10,000 feet and found a shark. I’ve flown at 50 yards and found a shark. This is where they live. They’ve always lived here in Southern California.”

This footage will now help marine scientists to predict where sharks will gather and when to make lifeguards and the public informed of their location.

All of which will mean it will make it just that little bit safer to go back in the water.

By Dean Newman

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