Could half a million sharks be killed for a Covid-19 vaccine?

Could half a million sharks be killed for a Covid-19 vaccine?

That's exactly the doomsday scenario for sharks that is being predicted by California based Shark Allies, a non-profit organisation dedicated to the conservation of sharks and rays. 

The group now have a petition, that they hope will raise awareness and make pharmaceutical companies sit up and take notice. 

There is of course a race to find a vaccine for Coronavirus, a key ingredient in some of the vaccines being develops is squalene, a natural oil that is harvested from the livers of sharks.

Shark Allies suggest that if the world's population received one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine containing the liver oil, around 250,000 sharks could end up being slaughtered. 

And if two doses are needed to immunise the world's population, which is what researchers have said is likely, that number could potentially double the number of shark deaths to half a million.

Stefanie Brendl, founder and executive director of Shark Allies, said: "Harvesting something from a wild animal is never going to be sustainable, especially if it's a top predator that doesn't reproduce in huge numbers.

"Most shark species are already at critical levels and will not withstand an increase in demand for a global vaccine."

To avoid threatening shark populations, they are pleading with scientists to test an alternative to squalene - a synthetic and sustainable version made from plant extracts. 

Find out more about the petition and campaign here:

Written by  Dean Newman

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