Best selling author of 'The Meg' unleashes the ultimate collection: Meg Legacy

Ever since I announced that Purgatory would be the last book in the MEG series, I have been looking to do something special for my MEGheads as a thank you for 25 years of devotion. MEG -7: PURGATORY will be filled with bonuses and nostalgia, but there is only so much a single hardback can do.


By last week the idea had evolved into something amazing.



A seven-volume compilation of the novels, novellas, prequel, and graphic novel of Steve Alten’s MEG SERIES, each volume set in chronological order and accompanied by the author’s commentary.


My original plan was to announce everything in the newsletter on Feb. 16. That would have given me two weeks to pump things up before Volume One went on sale on March 1, 2023.


What changed? The owner of the printing house A & M uses had a client go out of business right before a major print job. If we could slide in to that time slot, he’d offer me “a very sweet deal.” I told him LOCH-3: Heaven Lake won’t be ready until April (fingers crossed) however if he could work out terms, Volume One of MEG: Legacy could work out nicely (you'd get your first book in the series in record time.).


 On sale now at