Eli Roth is synonymous with horror you can't help but look away from, whether it's Cabin Fever, Hostel or The Green Inferno.

But now the director of The House with a Clock in its Walls and Knock Knock is asking you not to look away and view the true horror of shark finning in a new documentary, called Fin.

It showcases the work of photographer Michael Muller and conservation organisations including Oceana, Sea Shepherd and Wild Aid in their continued efforts to save sharks.

The powerful ducumentary will air on Discovery Plus on July 13, as part of its annual Shark Week.

Roth, who has written, directed and executive produced the film, shines a spotlight on the plight of sharks, their perilous situation and what we can do to help stop this barbaric practice.

It's a film the presenter of AMC's Eli Roth's History of Horror has spent years making in secrecy.

Posting on social media, Roth said: “I’ve partnered with the top scientists, NGOs and activists to show the problem from all sides and present solutions we can all do to save sharks before they’re gone.

“This may be the scariest film I have ever made because it’s real, but it doesn’t have to be. Fifty years ago the world came together to save the whales, then it was dolphins, then orcas and now more than ever is the time for sharks.”

Speaking with The Daily Jaws, Eli explained “…we will need everyone’s help promoting and directing everyone to the protection efforts and laws banning the sale of fins. Can’t wait for you to see it”

On his journey, Roth finds himself in the epicentre of the problem. Of the 100 million sharks caught worldwide for their fins, meat and other products, an estimated 50% is traded in Hong Kong.

Not only is shark finning decimating sharks to unheard of levels, it is destroying our planet.

This is isn't Jaws, where the enemy is the shark, here mankind (talk about misuse of that term) is front and centre and should be hanging its head in shame.

It’s not the sharks who are eating us, it’s the other way around. Sharks who have their fins chopped off are then dumped back in the ocean to drown. That's a sentence hard to write, never mind watch.

Fin, which is also executive produced by Leonardo DiCaprio, is set to be a difficult, but essential watch, not just for shark lovers and conservationists, but for all of us.

And the documentary could come at a better placed time as the U.S. Senate have a Bill coming up to ban the entire shark fin trade within the country.

And what is great about Roth is that essentially, he is us. He's been a lifelong lover of sharks, the first book he ever read was Jaws, he even had a copy of the classic The Jaws Log by Carl Gottlieb. And years later almost directed the big screen adaptation of The Meg.

On Amity, one man could make a difference. That man on Discovery Plus, could well be Eli Roth.

Words by Dean Newman

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