JAWS fan shares account of controversial Richard Dreyfuss Cabot Cinema appearance

Richard Dreyfuss’ recent appearance at The Cabot cinema has been divisive to say the least. Many have called ‘An Evening With Richard Dreyfuss’ “offensive” with others supporting the Oscar winner’s comments on social issues relating to current social issues. To be clear we were not there but many of our followers were. One JAWS fan, ‘Paulie Pavilion’, attended the most recent event and has offered to share his account of what happened. What you are about to read is unedited….

“Ventured off to Beverly Mass from New York City to the Cabot theater for a screening of Jaws Q&A Conversation with Richard Dreyfuss which was sold out  I also did the meet & greet.

Arrived at the theater at 6pm lined up for the M&G. Walked in with my wife Debbie I brought my Jaws75 license plate & my Jaws Clapboard as props for the pix

Richard was very joyful & happy he even hit on my wife after takin a pic with her asking to get a better look at her. He was funny with me & made like he was gonna take a chomp out of the clapboard 

I also sent over stills lobbycards illustrations & storyboards to the theater which was displayed for all to see 

The conversation started at 8:00pm. Richard came out holding a cane & in a dress. He got a lot of laffs from it & proceeded to take off the dress with the help of stage hands all comically done 

When he finally settled in the hostess who is traveling with Richard on this type of tour around the country. First the stage was not lit well it was very dark & the audio was terrible. Richard speaks low as it is so it was a bit of a struggle to hear him.

They went thru his career & showed clips of movies & he discussed it then the movie Nuts came up & he went on a tirade about Barbara Streisand her being a stubborn person & should know her place. Then the hostess brought up the Me2 movement which Richard which he said that’s the people who make me want to vomit.

Then went into talking about young kids & that they don’t have the right to know what their sexuality should be & it’s their parents job to tell them to be the gender they are not switch teams. Well some of the crowd began to boo people got up & left. But after that they went to talking about movies again & it seemed to calm to audience & finally Jaws was brought up which brought the crowds cheering again at the end of the conversation. He talked about a book he wrote on civics & as he left he was applauded & cheered & then the movie was shown. It made for a very interesting night which the next day exploded after the theater sent out an apology for his actions. Dreyfuss then apologized on Variety website. I videoed the entrance & his exit. You can watch on my YouTube channel.”

Words, images and video by Paulie Pavillion  

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