Why Twister and JAWS are films with similar bite

With Twisters (2024) kicking up a box office storm on cinema screens worldwide, The Daily Jaws takes a look at the similarities between its prequel, Twister (1996), and JAWS (1975).

Despite their different subjects—a giant shark and a series of tornadoes—these films share notable similarities in themes, character dynamics, and cinematic techniques that have solidified their places in film history.

And, although Twister was directed by Jan De Bont it was executive produced – as is the sequel - by the man who directed JAWS, Steven Spielberg.

Nature's unpredictability and human vulnerability

At the heart of both Twister and JAWS lies the theme of human vulnerability in the face of nature’s unpredictability.

In JAWS, the terror stems from the unpredictability of the shark, a force of nature that lurks beneath the surface, attacking unsuspecting swimmers. The trio of Quint (Robert Shaw), Brody (Roy Scheider) and Hooper (Richard Dreyfuss) on board the Orca head out into the shark's territory to stop it.

Similarly, Twister centres on the chaotic and unpredictable nature of tornadoes. The protagonists of Jo (Helen Hunt) and Bill (Bill Paxton) are storm chasers who confront these violent forces head-on, emphasising humanity’s perpetual struggle to understand and survive the elements.

Man vs. Nature

Both films embody the classic man vs. nature conflict. In JAWS, Chief Brody, marine biologist Matt Hooper and seasoned shark hunter Quint must confront and outwit the great white shark. Their battle is as much against their own fears and limitations as it is against the shark.

In Twister, Jo Harding and her team of storm chasers face the destructive power of tornadoes. Their pursuit to deploy a revolutionary data-gathering device - known as Dorothy - within the heart of a tornado underscores the lengths humans will go to conquer and comprehend nature. Also Dorothy is to Twister what the yellow barrels are to JAWS.

Character Dynamics

Reluctant Heroes

Both movies feature a mix of reluctant heroes and driven experts. In JAWS, Chief Brody is a reluctant hero, initially out of his element in dealing with the shark threat. However, his determination grows as he realises the danger to his community and to his family.

Similarly, in Twister, Bill Harding is initially hesitant to return to storm chasing, having moved on to a safer life. His ex-wife, Jo, is the driven expert, obsessively chasing tornadoes to honour her father’s memory and advance scientific understanding.

Obsession and past trauma

Jo, with her intense focus and personal connection to the tornadoes, parallels Quint’s obsession with the shark.

Jo is particularly driven by a childhood trauma, having lost her father to a tornado, mirroring the deep-seated motivations seen in JAWS. Essentially, the opening scene in Twister, which shows her dad killed by an F5 tornado when she is a child is her USS Indianapolis moment. Both Quint and Jo must face against their ultimate fears in the final part of the films.


Matt Hooper’s scientific approach in JAWS - along with all his gadgets of anti-shark cages and sonar - finds its counterpart in the technologically savvy members of the Twister team, such as Dustin Davis (Philip Seymour Hoffman), who provide technical expertise and some comic relief.

Team work

The success against the natural threats in both films relies on team efforts and individual sacrifices. In JAWS, the trio of Brody, Hooper, and Quint must combine their skills and knowledge to hunt the shark. The climax involves significant personal sacrifice, especially with Quint’s tragic demise.

Twister portrays a similar dynamic with Jo and Bill and their team of storm chasers, who must work together, putting their lives at risk to achieve their goal.

The sense of camaraderie and shared purpose in both films emphasises the importance of collective action in the face of overwhelming odds, very much a part of the disaster genre, which both these films could be considered part of.

Twister and JAWS share numerous similarities despite their different settings and threats. Both films explore the unpredictability and power of nature, the conflict between man and the natural world, and the importance of teamwork and sacrifice.

Influencing countless films in the disaster and thriller genres, Twister and JAWS remind audiences of humanity’s vulnerability and resilience, showcasing our relentless pursuit to understand and overcome the forces of nature.

Twisters may not follow that JAWS pattern as the belated sequel doesn't - spoiler alert - have a tornado chasing g down a group of teenagers in sailing boats. At least that means that Twister 3 likely won't touch down at SeaWorld and Helen Hunt won't have to face off against a tornado in the Bahamas, ably assisted by Michael Caine.

Words by Dean Newman

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