What if Hooper had returned for JAWS 2?

Hello, Islanders!

A question I’m often asked by fans concerning Jaws 2 is “what do you think would have happened if Hooper was in the film?  A good question indeed, and one to ponder, especially if you love the film as is, because Matt Hooper would have made quite a difference in the film we now know.

Even though it was hoped that Richard Dreyfuss would have returned for the sequel – early story treatments include Hooper – the actor had no interest in reprising the role.  The studio was so intent on the ichthyologist being a part of the film that they actually considered offering the part of Matt Hooper to another actor.  Thankfully that never materialized.  In my opinion, the film we know and love would have been a 2 hour long snoozefest had Hooper returned!

As in Jaws, Hooper is the voice of reason.  Brody is now older and wiser and I guarantee that as soon as he suspected another shark he would have been o the phone to Hooper.  In fact, that appears to be what happened as, when Brody returns home one night, Ellen tells him that Matt Hooper called to say he couldn’t make it to town…he was on the vessel “Aurora,” which he mentioned in Jaws. Had Brody been able to convince Hooper to come to the Island the film would have been over before it started. 

 Upon arrival, Hooper would have looked at the photo of the shark and declared another predator back in the waters.  He would have been the one measuring the remains of the killer whale and I’m sure would have recognized the bite marks of a Great White Shark.   Now more assertive, Brody would have used Hooper’s words to close the beaches and, more importantly, prevent the “kids” from going sailing.  Of course, kids are kids so maybe they all disobey their parents and sail to Cable Junction. Serves them right if they get eaten!

Words by Michael A Smith. Michael is co-author of Jaws 2: The Making Of The Hollywood Sequel. You can order the book by contacting Michael at OsFanMike@aol.com.

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