Printing denied: Ten best moments of Deputy Hendricks from the JAWS movie series

“Boys, oh boys... I think he's come back for his noon pinballing!”

Deputy Lenny/Jeff Hendricks is a fan favorite, as is the actor that portrays him, Jeffrey Kramer.  Kramer brings his own sense of humor to the role, as well as his own emotions, to create a truly three-dimensional character.  When he was contacted for JAWS 2, Kramer saw that the character, instead of being a true sounding board for Chief Brody, was now reduced to being a buffoon, part of a tandem of deputies who were in the story more for comic relief then anything else.  Rather then take a paycheck, Kramer declined the job, not wanting to be a part of diminishing the memory of Deputy Hendricks.  

The part was briefly filled by actor Tom Rosqui, best known for playing Rocco Lampone in The Godfather Part II.  There is a photo featuring Murray Hamilton as Mayor Vaughn standing next to an Amity PD vehicle, with Hendricks in the driver’s seat.  Both men are grimacing, no doubt because the character of Hendricks was so poorly written.  Eventually director Jeannot Szwarc took over the production and the first question he had for the producers was “where is the deputy from the first film?”  Soon Kramer was back in the film and a friendship of nearly five decades between he and Szwarc was forged. 

To celebrate Jeff Kramer’s upcoming appearance (March 23rd, 2:00 CST) on “Let’s Talk JAWS Live!,” I’ll be taking a look at what I consider Deputy Hendricks best moments in the JAWS series.  In descending order:


10:  JAWS 2:  Now the boss, as the door of the ambulance, with Tina inside, closes, an assertive Hendricks barks to one of the deputies, “Meet me back at the office on the double!”  

9.  JAWS:  When the fishermen gather for a group photo around the tiger shark, Hendricks grins from ear to ear as he proudly holds up a “BEACH CLOSED” sign.


8.  JAWS 2:  In an attempt to get away from a pesky complainant, Brody tells Hendricks to come with him to discuss a “908.”  In the office, Hendricks asks, “what the hell’s a 908?”  


7.  JAWS 2:  Puzzled by the abandoned cruiser, Brody tells Hendricks that if he had a $100,000 boat he wouldn’t have abandoned it, to which Hendricks replies, “If you had a $100,000 boat, there'd be an investigation!”


6.  JAWS:  As Brody and Hendricks walk the dock after the ill fated “holiday roast” attempt, Hendricks gleefully recounts the story of the night before, concluding with “So then Denherder and Charlie sat there trying to catch their breath and figure out how to tell Charlie's wife what happened to her freezer full of meat.”  You know he’s enjoying the story more then the Chief. 


5.  JAWS 2:  While trudging along on the Amity Police launch, a co-worker remarks that he is bored. With perfect deadpan timing, Hendricks replies, “you’re bored?”


4.  JAWS:  Always ready to lend a hand, Hendricks meets Brody outside the Amity Hardware Store to inform him of the scouts in April Bay.  Brody hands the deputy the supplies he has purchased and instructs Hendricks on what the BEACH CLOSED signs should say, finishing with “and let Polly do the printing.”  “What’s the matter with my printing,” Hendricks wonders out loud.  To be fair, Polly did a hell of a job on the signs!

The final three are my favorite moments.  Two of them derive from the skill and emotions Kramer brought to the role.  The other is so simple, yet so brilliant.


3.  JAWS 2:  After Brody is fired, he comes home to find Hendricks speaking with Ellen in the living room.  Clearly inebriated, Brody offers a toast to the new chief, to which Hendricks tells him that he not only doesn’t want the job, but he thinks Brody is the greatest.  A true scene where Scheider allowed other cast members to shine on screen.  

2.  JAWS:  As Brody and Cassidy walk along the beach discussing the missing swimmer a whistle interrupts their conversation.  They rush to the source, a visibly shaken Hendricks, who has just found her remains.  As he drops to his knees and fumbles with the sand, the look of sheer terror on the deputy’s face tells the audience all they need to know.


1.  JAWS:  While on the phone to Polly inside the harbormaster’s shed Brody notices Hendricks outside the window smoking a cigarette.  To get the deputy’s attention he throws some screws at the window. Hendricks turns, smiles and waves back.

What are your favorite Hendricks moments?  Let us know below.

Words by Michael A Smith. Michael is co-author of Jaws 2: The Making Of The Hollywood Sequel. You can order the book by contacting Michael at

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