Mythbusting 7 crucial details in Steven Spielberg's shark classic JAWS
MythBusters (2003) dedicated a special episode to testing whether or not certain things from this film are plausible. It concluded that:
Fishing with piano wire
Piano wire does not have the tensile strength needed to be used as an adequate shark-catching line.
2. Exploding scuba tanks
Scuba tanks will not explode when shot
3. Cage destruction
A great white shark can ram a dive cage with enough force to damage or destroy it.
4. Ramming power
A great white shark has enough power to punch a hole in the side of a wooden boat under the right circumstances, but an example of this happening has never been documented.
5. Barrels
A shark's maximum striking force is great enough to pull the barrels under, but the force a shark can generate in a continuous pull is insufficient to keep the barrels under water for a significant amount of time.
6. Towing the Orca
A shark cannot generate enough force to pull a boat backwards with great enough speed that waves break over the stern;
7. Mortal Kombat
Punching a shark in the nose, eyes, or gills will cause it to flee or at least back off briefly.
Watch the full playlist of Mythbusters vs JAWS