Should Universal Release 'The Scheider Cut' Of Jaws after Justice League success?

With the release of The Snyder Cut should we get the extended cut of Jaws?

Zack Snyder's extended cut of Justice League has proved a popular hit with many fans, although with that running time you're gonna need a bigger cushion. It throws open an interesting question though, should we also get an option of the extended TV version of Steven Spielberg's Jaws?

Those deleted scenes - that ended up being edited back in to the ABC screenings of Jaws from the late 70s and early early 80s - are available as deleted scenes.

Many of these “lost” scenes were first available to fans on the 20th Anniversary Laserdisc version of Jaws and now are available on the 30th Anniversary DVD version of Jaws.

So, on the next release of Jaws, wouldn't it be great if we got the option of watching Jaws with these scenes added back in?

Let's be clear, no one is saying it will replace the original version that was released in 1975. It just simply wouldn't, and there is no desire to.

With most movies, a lot more footage is filmed than actually ends up in the final product. This is done to keep activity on a production moving if experiencing difficulties (such as broken down sharks) and also to give the director options in terms of narrative.

And many of these scenes would have been taken out for timing or pacing. After all, its not as if Jaws editor, Verna Fields, didn't know what she was doing, even taking home the Oscar for it.

Jaws additional scenes from the ABC TV version

●Ellen Brody feeding the dogs.

●Chief Brody and Cassidy alternate/extended dialogue.

●Mayor Vaughn and Deputy Hendricks extended dialogue during band practice.

●Quint in the Amity Music Shop.

●Amity Town Hall/Quint’s truck.

●Bounty hunters arrive on the island - extended.

●Bounty hunter shark kill frenzy.

●Matt Hooper and Chief Brody scene before the tiger shark autopsy.

It wouldn't replace the original cut, but would be as an optional extra, a bit like having the ability to watch the different versions of James Cameron's Aliens (1986) or David Fincher's Alien 3 (1992) on the blurays.

And it wouldn't be the first time that an extended TV version of a blockbuster film has been released, that happened recently with the three hour TV cut of Richard Donner's Superman (1978).

Here's those Jaws deleted scenes in full.

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