Just When You Thought It Was Safe... Lockdown 2

The events of the film Jaws and Covid-19 have been been constantly entwined in the media and memes across social media, we even wrote about it earlier this year: https://thedailyjaws.com/blog/2020/4/13/jaws-covid-19-coronavirus

And now, as we head to what is being referred to as the second wave, Jaws 2 enters the fray. You've only got to look at the front cover of the latest edition of The European to see that.

Like we had people being lured back into pubs and restaurants and back to the office, the town of Amity was bouncing back from the events of Jaws...and then we have the return of Covid/the shark.

We also have irresponsible teenagers, not listening to adults and putting themselves and others, especially bearded helicopter pilots, in danger. It's almost a stalk and slash film, before the likes of Halloween or Friday the 13th, and Covid has often been compared to being like a silent killer laying in wait. Both are indiscriminate and take no prisoners, just look at the unexpected death of Marge. 

And this time, we are Chief Brody. After six months we certainly don't want to go through this hell again, to paraphrase the speech he gives Mayor Vaughn and the town council, but face it we must. 

We might not be facing off against it with a giant electricity cable, but like Chief Brody we know we must face it again to help keep our children and family safe. The cable acts as the barrier between shark and Brody, just like masks act as the barrier between us and Covid. 

Like Chief Brody, many of us have found that this year's events have taken their toll, Brody being on the edge and his mental health clearly suffering, as exemplified by the scene on the beach with his gun. 

Brody is then sacked, and we know that unfortunately job losses continue to happen as the economy continues to splutter, so it again touches that nerve. 

The shark in Jaws 2 is also far more deadly, chalking up eight human kills, and a killer whale for good measure. There are also far more deaths of women in Jaws 2, including Terry the water skier; Diane the driver of the speedboat and Marge. Unfortunately, hospital records in the UK currently show a significant rise in women aged 20 to 40 being admitted for serious coronavirus infections since the start of August. 

One can only hope that as we head into winter, the higher death rate pattern of Jaws 2 isn't repeated. 

And of course, let us not forget that Mayor Vaughn is still in charge, no doubt the comparisons will continue on both sides of the Atlantic. 

Written by  Dean Newman

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