How to cook the perfect holiday roast

Hello islanders,

Well this weekend marks a holiday for us here in the states, so I thought I’d share some secrets in how to make a delicious holiday roast.

First off, I have never had, in my memory, a holiday roast.  Holiday’s here in the states have two major entrees – Turkey and Ham.  My sister-in-law once offered to make a roast for Thanksgiving but was quickly shouted down by the rest of the family.  I don’t know what they do in other countries.  Perhaps they have a roast for Boxing Day in the U.K., or maybe they serve one up every Whit Monday in Germany.  Nothing wrong with that.  I love a good roast.  Hear are two different family roast recipies:


After the beautiful Juanita assembles her various utensils and spices, she pulls the roast out of the refrigerator and lets it get to room temperature.  She also preheats the oven to 500 degrees (260 degrees Celsius for those of you on the metric system).  

She then prepares the seasoning mixture with garlic, rosemary, salt, pepper, and oil.

After seasoning she puts the roast in a roasting pan and puts it in the over, roasting it at 500 degrees for approximately 7 minutes per pound (35 minutes for a 5-pound roast).

Roast it 500F for 5 minutes per pound (15 minutes for a 3 lb roast).

She then turns off the oven and leaves the roast inside, removing it when the internal temperature of the roast reaches 135 degrees, approximately 57 degrees Celsius.  

Once she removes it from the oven she lets it sit for 10 minutes before she lets me carve.  


When wife is sleeping, quietly take the roast out of the refrigerator.  Take it down to the dock and insert a large hook in it.  Attach a chain to the eye of the hook and throw it into the water. Order Chinese food for dinner

Words by Michael A Smith. Michael is co-author of Jaws 2: The Making Of The Hollywood Sequel. You can order the book by contacting Michael at

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