Have a great white Christmas with The Daily Jaws Holiday Specials

If you're dreaming of a great white Christmas, then you are in luck as The Daily Jaws has the perfect JAWS-themed Christmas entertainment for you.

That's right, over the years the world's number one JAWS fan site has taken the original Steven Spielberg  summer blockbuster  - although let's remember that it was only released in the UK the day after Christmas in 1975 - and given it a sprinkle of Christmas magic with the help of a Grammy-nominated singer and a band of puppets.

The 12 Days of Jawsmas

Putting a JAWS spin on the festive classic - created by Dean, our Head of Content  in 2017, this version was performed by Grammy-nominated Judy Pancoast.

And you're not gonna need a bigger JAWS fan than Judy, who saw it 16 times in 1975, went on to see all the JAWS sequels on the big screen, had the hots for Hendricks - which she once told Jeffrey Kramer - sang into the ear of Richard Dreyfuss when she met him and has even written to JAWS composer John Williams.

The 12 Days of Jawsmas takes in all your favourites from the Spielberg classic including five shark victims, three yellow barrels and two Brody boys. Discover the rest - we dare you - and have the earworm that is the 12 Days of Jawsmas swimming around your head this holiday season.

The Quint's Speech

‘Tis the season to be Jawsy, so what better way to celebrate Christmas than with a festive updating of Quint’s USS Indianapolis story monologue? We’ve dubbed it The Quint’s Speech in homage to the great man and a slight doffing of the cap to The Queen’s Speech (RIP).

It’s come curtesy of a collaboration between the world’s greatest JAWS site, The Daily Jaws, and Pop-Up Puppet Cinema - think Punch and Judy with a popular film twist.

The result is a four minute tour de force that sees a puppet Quint telling a puppet Brody and Hooper about how 1100 elves are attacked by reindeer ‘with black lifeless eyes’ on Christmas Eve, 1945. It’s a festive riff on a seminal moment in JAWS, originally delivered masterfully by Robert Shaw.

John from Pop-Up Puppet Cinema said: "We're huge fans of JAWS and have been performing our puppet adaptation across the UK for a couple of years now, so when our friends at The Daily Jaws asked us to collaborate on a Christmas interpretation of one of the greatest movie speeches of all time we couldn't resist."

The star of the piece, puppet Quint, also had this to say: "Personally I've not much time for puppeteers! They've got soft hands, city hands!"

Words by Dean Newman

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