A new book, offering a unique look at the history of shark-human interactions, has surfaced. 

Those hoping for a sensationalist publication just about shark attacks can swim on, as Sharks in the Shallows - touted as an essential text on the subject - sets out to deliver a measured view of sharks in our waters that goes beyond just the statistics. 

And if anyone knows about reading beyond the stats, it's author Clay Creswell,  who has been a North and South Carolina region shark-bite investigator for the Shark Research Institute Global Shark Attack File since 2004. And, in this role he's become a trusted media resource for the National Geographic Channel's series When Sharks Attack. 

With a better understanding of sharks' responses to their  environment, he hopes people will develop a greater appreciation of the invaluable role sharks play in our marine environment.

Clay said: "Sharks in the Shallows is the result of my love and fascination with sharks. The book is based on many years of research, and it is a testimony to the value these animals are to our world. It is also a permanent record uniquely focused on shark behavior in terms of shark attacks in both North and South Carolina waters. Sharks in the Shallows is also a safety guide for those of us who utilize the ocean for pleasure or work."

He added: "I love sharks, and they really are some of the most misunderstood and mischaracterized creatures on the planet. As a result of this misinformation, people have attempted— throughout history and in many locations throughout the world— to rid the waters of sharks by the indiscriminate use of longlines  and nets as well as through organized shark hunts."

Don't be put off by this book having a focus on the sharks of the Carolinas, it's an absorbing and interesting read for anyone who spends their time in the water. Wherever they are. It puts things in a real perspective, is respectful of sharks and, armed with the right information, could even save you from an unexpected shark encounter. 

It's a fascinating read into some of the detailed attack reports and the conditions in which they happened, all the way back to 1872. And there is some great information on the sharks that frequent those waters as well. 

You know that scene in Jaws where Chief Brody has just been leafing through shark book after shark book? That's what reading this felt like. Never dull, always interesting. The author's passion and love for the subject leaps from the page. 

And as a result, we can all feel a little bit more 'Matt Hooper' in our shark knowledge upgrade. 

The respected expert's book is already receiving lots of praise, with Daniel C. Abel, author of Shark Biology and Conservation: Essentials for Educators, Students, and Enthusiasts, calling it: "Informative and at times spellbinding, Sharks in the Shallows is a unique, earnest, meticulously researched, engaging, and clearly written book about human-shark interactions, with the utmost respect for sharks. You won't find a better, more objective book on the topic."

Whilst Ralph S. Collier, president and founder, Shark Research Committee, said:

"With more than 200 years of historical data, W. Clay Creswell's Sharks in the Shallows is a landmark publication for scientists and naturalists alike. This book is a must for every ocean user."

‘Sharks In The Shallows’ is available to buy now - see link below!

You can follow author W Clay Creswell and University of South Carolina Press on Twitter

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