The Making Of Jaws 3D

With Jaws (1975), Steven Spielberg and his cast & crew practically invented the summer blockbuster. Making $100 million in just 38 days Jaws redefined mainstream cinema forever. Monumental movie success inevitably brings sequels.

Jaws 2 (1978) became the most successful sequel ever at the time so a third Jaws adventure was even more likely. 5 years later, Jaws 3D was unleashed. Taking a fresh approach to the story and embracing the latest movie making technologies, this installment attempted to rest the franchise on the shoulders of Chief Body’s sons, Michael (Dennis Quaid) and Sean (Jon Putch).

Savaged by critics and audiences, (3.7 on IMDB), the promising premise and lure of the biggest shark in the franchise (35 feet long), Jaws 3D was far from “the third dimension in terror” many had hoped for.

In later interviews, screenwriter Richard Matheson claimed that the film was bedeviled by script doctors who ruined the central premise of a Great White shark swimming upstream and becoming trapped in a lake.

Love it or hate it, Jaws 3D will always be a part of the Jaws universe. Below, is the official making of Jaws 3D documentary. A revealing look at what could have been one of the all time great movie sequels.

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