Which Type Of Jaws Fan Are You?

We all love Jaws, but like sharks themselves, us Jaws fans can be a very different species. So, which group do you identify with most when it comes to the film series?


In your mind there is only one Jaws film, the rest are dead to you, you don't speak of them never mind own them. You consider them to be illegitimate children, even if you may have entertained them when you were younger, but there is no fooling you now.

Jaws is like your Sean Connery equivalent of Bond, there is only one. There is no other and yes, you will die on that hill. And, boy, don't you let everyone else know about it as well.

You feel the need to mention that there are in fact no other Jaws films whenever they are mentioned on social media. In fact, there are no other shark films period. There is only Jaws. You are wrong.

Jaws and Jaws 2

Hey, it's largely the same cast, it's even got an awesome darker John Williams score. Sure, it's no Jaws but it has the same vibe and a great turn from Roy Scheider. Makes for a great double bill, even if it is a completely unnecessary, it is just genuinely joyous being back on Amity Island. However, don't talk to you about Jaws 3D and Jaws the Revenge, they were just steps too far and too far removed from what made Jaws great and Jaws 2 good.

Perhaps Jaws 2 is even your favourite in the series, holding that special place in your heart as it was the first Jaws film you saw on the big screen, or you love its teens in danger and slasher vibe.

Jaws, Jaws 2, Jaws 3D

You followed the fish this far, and enjoy this quirky 'shark in a theme park' entry into the Jaws family of films, but you can't stomach the fourth film of the series. So, for you the Jaws series ends with two dolphins jumping out of the water. Freeze frame and Mike and Kate lived happily ever after.

Also see people who only consider the Indiana Jones films to be a trilogy. Jaws 3D may even be your favourite Jaws film, you know it isn't the best, but you love it all the same.

Jaws, Jaws 2, Jaws the Revenge

People tell you Jaws the Revenge is the most ludicrous Jaws film, but you know that is actually Jaws 3D. You prefer to think of these as completing the loose Amity Island trilogy, if you will. After all, even Universal tried to forget that Jaws 3D existed when it was releasing Jaws the Revenge in 1987.

Jaws, Jaws 2, Jaws 3D, Jaws the Revenge (or is that Jaws, Jaws 2, Jaws the Revenge, Jaws 3D)

You are a Jaws fan through and through and like and embrace all of the Jaws films, no matter what their quality you can see varying degrees of good in all of them. Even if you don't, you still enjoy them. You grew up with them all, so they are part of you growing up.

Many will like the films most to least in the order they were produced but some will prefer Jaws the Revenge to Jaws 3D. You happily own all of the Jaws films and watch them repeatedly.

You recognise that Jaws is the only bona-fide classic of the series, but don't understand why some folk fail to even recognise the others. You think they should get a grip, life is too short and they should embrace the entire Jaws series. For you it is all or nothing, they are only conning themselves like Mayor Vaughn was conning himself.