Jaws Birthday Party
Whilst browsing online, fishing for the latest Jaws news, we came across Julia who lives in Rio de Janeiro, recently celebrating her 21st birthday in the perfect way…. by hosting a Jaws themed party! The Daily Jaws caught up with Julia to find our more.
Hi, my name is Julia, and since I can remember I’m a shark person, I’ve always loved sharks in every single way. When I first saw the Jaws movie it turns to be my favorite movie ever!
Then I decided this year the theme of my 21’s party it has to be Jaws, because 21 is an age that stays in history for me. The decoration was made with things of my on, which most of then I collect for a long time ago. The amity island poster I’ve order on a graphic store. The closed beach sign I printed from the internet. My party also had drinks that whore inspired on the Jaws movie, like the shark attack! It was a Jawsome party and I don’t know why I took so long to chose these theme!
So I love sharks since I was a kid, i’ve always been fascinated by them. And Jaws its a story about a great white shark whose a natural killer but it’s not a villain, its just an animal living his life and doing what a shark do, swim and eat. I just love the movie much as love the book!
My favourite character its Matt Hooper for sure, because he’s a sharkaholic like me hahaha! Hooper is also the character that I most identify, because of this inexplicable love for sharks! My favourite part of the movie is when Bruce attacks the kid Alex Kintner. The first time that I saw Jaws I was like 4 years old, and since then I’ve watch many times that I couldn’t count, for real!
You can follow Julia on instagram
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Perfect for display on your desk or collection shelf, this fabulous Jaws Pokis Mini-Figure 4-Pack includes cute, stylized characters from the blockbuster 1975 movie Jaws. There's even the star of the film, man-eating shark Bruce, doing what he does best! Too bad about Quint.