No bigger boat required for this Jaws ride!
Great white sharks have long been rumoured to have been spotted in the warm waters of Cornwall, around the south coast of England.
We may not have seen a great white shark, but we did see the great white shark inspired boat, Jaws 2.
The Orca, is an icon for Jaws fans around the world, but we’d all agree that it’s not the fastest boat on the water.
So, just when we thought it was safe to go back into the water, The Daily Jaws headed down to Padstow in Cornwall for a ride on the very beautiful, fast (and bumpy) Jaws 2.
The Daily Jaws Chief writer aboard JAWS II
Thankfully, we didn’t have to wear head scarves, dowse ourselves in petrol or set ourselves alight with flare guns - but as you will see it was still one hell of a ride.
We caught up with its owner, Pete, before stepping on board. As Hooper would say, fast fish!
By Dean Newman
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