What to do if you are attacked by a shark

Sharks have long captivated our imaginations, often portrayed as menacing predators lurking in the depths of the ocean. While shark attacks are extremely rare, it is essential to be prepared and know how to react in the unlikely event of an encounter. This article aims to provide guidance on what to do if attacked by a shark, offering practical strategies to increase your chances of survival.

Stay Calm

Remaining calm is paramount during a shark attack. Panicking will only heighten the risk and diminish your ability to make rational decisions. Remember that sharks primarily investigate their surroundings through their sensory organs, including electroreception. Erratic movements or splashing may attract more attention from the shark, potentially escalating the situation. Stay composed and focused on your response.

Do Not Play Dead

Contrary to popular belief, playing dead is not an effective strategy when facing a shark. Sharks are not scavengers; they are hunters. By playing dead, you may mimic the behavior of injured prey, which could further entice the shark. Instead, you want to present yourself as a formidable and unappetizing target.

Maintain Eye Contact

As the shark approaches, maintain direct eye contact whenever possible. While it may be intimidating, eye contact can deter an aggressive shark by signaling that you are aware of its presence and willing to defend yourself. Sharks often attack from behind, so try to keep the shark within your field of vision at all times.

What to do if you are attacked by a shark

Position Yourself Defensively

If the shark initiates an attack, assume a defensive position. Position your body to face the shark, as this presents a larger profile and may discourage the shark from pursuing its attack. Use your arms and legs to protect vital areas such as your head, neck, and torso.

Fight Back

If the shark makes physical contact, it is crucial to fight back vigorously. Target the shark's sensitive areas, such as the eyes, gills, or snout. Utilize any available weapons or objects nearby, such as a spear, diving knife, or even your fists. The objective is to demonstrate to the shark that you are a formidable adversary, potentially causing it to disengage.

What to do if you are attacked by a shark

Get To Safety

Once you have repelled the shark, carefully and swiftly make your way to safety. Swim calmly towards the shore, a boat, or any nearby solid structure. Do not turn your back on the shark, as it may attempt a second attack. Remember that even if injured, getting out of the water should be your top priority.

Seek Medical Attention

Regardless of the severity of your injuries, it is crucial to seek immediate medical attention. Shark bites can cause significant damage, including deep wounds and potential infection. Prompt medical treatment can greatly increase the chances of a successful recovery.

While shark attacks are rare, it is essential to be prepared and knowledgeable about appropriate actions to take if confronted by a shark. Maintaining calm, avoiding panic, and employing defensive strategies can significantly improve your chances of survival. Remember, prevention is key, so always adhere to safety guidelines and regulations while enjoying oceanic environments.

Words by Ross Williams

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