Are these the most SAVAGE reviews of JAWS The Revenge?

“Film criticism is the analysis and evaluation of films and the film medium…. likely to analyse the film and its place in the history of its genre or in the whole of film history.” - Wikipedia

Influential film critics arguably hold the key to a movie’s success. A negative review can kill not just a production’s box office takings, it can kill careers and even bankrupt studios. However, there are some movies that critics savage so badly, they become instant must-sees, for all the wrong reasons.

Love it or loathe it, JAWS The Revenge received an absolute spanking from reviewers upon it’s release and even after 35 years, it continues to get a chomping from pro-critics and fans alike. But there are some reviews that went that extra mile to hit home just how much they hated the third (and at present last) sequel to Steven Spielberg’s 1975 shark classic.

Siskel and Ebert

Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert were two of the most respected film critics of their time. While particular in their tastes, they were usually fair in their assessments of blockbusters and independent films alike. When it came to reviewing JAWS The Revenge, they didn’t hold back, with Siskel quick to point out that “…an idiotic script sinks the whole show.” You can watch Siskel and Ebert’s take down of JAWS The Revenge below.

Chris Stuckmann

The internet’s equivalent of Siskel and Ebert, Chris Stuckmann’s unique and insightful style of movie reviews have amassed a YouTube following of +2 million. One of the highlights of his channel are his ‘Hilariocity’ reviews, where Chris (and sometimes guest co-hosts) rip into truly awful movies.. and JAWS The Revenge made the list. Hailing JAWS The Revenge as having “…the number one dumbest plot in a movie ever.” , Chris goes in on the fourth (and likely final) fish film for more than 20 minutes with an hysterical tongue-in-cheek take down that you can watch below.

Richard Jeni

While not scrictly a review, late comedian Richard Jeni found JAWS The Revenge to be so unbelievable that he wrote and performed a 4 minute roasting of the shark movie that followed the Brody family to the Bahamas. “It’s now 5.01am and you think this (movie) is going to get better.”

Watch: Exclusvie 35th Anniversary Interview with Lance Guest and Mitchell Anderson

Ross from The Daily Jaws reunites Michael and Sean Brody (aka Lance Guest and Mitchell Anderson) in this special Jaws The Revenge 35th Anniversary Interview. Lance and Mitchell discuss the movie's legacy, their experiences making it, as well as some classic stories, including the time Oscar winning co-star Michael Caine saved Lance's life!

Words by Ross Williams

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