As Quint, the grizzled shark hunter in Steven Spielberg’s classic Jaws, Robert Shaw was the perfect casting choice. The classically trained British actor had already starred in some big action movies including taking on Sean Connery’s spy James Bond in From Russia With Love (1963) and hijacking a speeding train in The Taking of Pelham 123 (1974).

So when Robert and wife Mary Ure arrived on the quaint New England island of Martha’s Vineyard to shoot Jaws (1975), a movie “about a fish”, the last thing they expected was to find themselves being shot at. Well, that’s exactly what happened!

After landing on Martha’s Vineyard, Robert, Mary and their manservant, Eric Harrison made their way to the rental home that had been supplied for them to stay in while shooting. After familiarising themselves with their new surroundings, the Shaws settled in for a quiet first night.

Imagine their shock when late that first night when a local eccentric fired a few rifle bullets through the front door of the rental house, which penetrated walls and even chipped tiles in a downstairs bath. The bullets weren't meant for the Shaws, however — the local thought the place was empty. And all credit to Harrison, who was the first out the door in robe and slippers, examined the fresh bullet holes in the door, proclaiming, “I believe they're shooting, sir.” The rifleman was later fined and released.

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Martha's Vineyard is an island located south of Cape Cod in Massachusetts in the United States in North America that is known for being a popular summer colony. Martha's Vineyard includes the smaller adjacent Chappaquiddick Island, which is usually connected to the Vineyard. It is the 58th largest island in the United States, with a land area of about 96 square miles (250 km2), and the third-largest on the East Coast of the United States, after Long Island and Mount Desert Island. Martha's Vineyard constitutes the bulk of Dukes County, Massachusetts, which also includes the Elizabeth Islands and the island of Nomans Land.

Source Wikipedia