Jaws WeMake
Reboot ❌ Remake ❌ WeMake ✅
Over 100 JAWS fans from the UK, US and India spent part of the Covid-19 lockdown creating their own unique social distanced fan made version of JAWS. And they've never met, the only thing uniting them their love of JAWS and being on lockdown.
Dubbed the “Jaws WeMake”, the over an hour long love letter to the Universal Pictures classic, directed by Steven Spielberg, has been created using a mix of live action, animation, action figures and stop motion to reimagine the 1975 shark thriller in the safety of their own home.
For that added extra JAWS feel, it includes footage shot in Martha's Vineyard - the same location that doubled as Amity Island for JAWS.
Ian Shaw with the same brand can his dad Robert Shaw, crushed in the original Jaws.
Introduced by actor and writer Ian Shaw, (son of Jaws star Robert Shaw), Jaws WeMake premiered on Saturday, 20th June 2020 (45 years to the day Jaws was released in cinemas) and received rave reviews from fans and critics alike.
So grab your cans. Get ready to crush ‘em. Drink to your legs and enjoy Jaws WeMake.
Skipper Ross (left) and Chief Writer Dean were chuffed with the finished film and were blown away by the response.
Jaws WeMake in the press
Press & Media enquiries welcome - official press release here