Step aboard and enjoy the ambience of the 'Orca' - the boat from Jaws

Jaws isn’t just the greatest movie ever made, its an experience. With almost half the story set at sea, we get to know Quint’s boat, the now iconic ‘Orca’ nearly as well as Brody, Hooper and Quint. As the tale unfolds, we don’t just get to see almost every inch of her, we feel her and lot of this is down the sounds she makes.

Named after the shark’s only natural predator, the Orca’s individual creeks, sqeaks and rattles have become instantly recognisable. Jaws won an Academy Award for ‘Best Sound’ and Orca’s engine, whether powering at full throttle chasing (or retreating from) the shark add a real sense of excitement and danger.

The Orca from Jaws (1975) was origianly a Nova Scotian lobster boat called the ‘Warlock’

The Orca from Jaws (1975) was origianly a Nova Scotian lobster boat called the ‘Warlock’

However, it’s when the Orca is at rest with it’s engine gently turning over in the background like a heartbeat, is what makes the Orca a constant audible presence in the story. Luckily for us Jaws fans, one YouTube channel, Armchair Ambience, aims to create original music and original animations with an emphasis on ambient experience from classic movies have added the sounds of the Orca. Hopefully they won’t think to replicate one of Quints fishing rod reel clicking. That be like water torture.

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