Jaws is a big fish. Cinematically, it’s still the biggest box-office fish film when adjusted for inflation. However, in 2018 ‘The Meg’ was unleashed in movie theaters. A group of scientists exploring the Marianas Trench encounter the largest marine predator that has ever existed - the Megalodon.

Starring Jason Statham, The Meg ups the action as well as the size of the shark, becoming a world wide hit grossing $530,517,320. A fun shark movie that delivers on thrills, plenty of shark-on-human action and numerous Jaws references. However, the ending left some movie goers unsatisfied (no spoilers here).

But fear not, YouTubers Have It Should Have Ended (HISHE), a place for animated parody alternate endings to major motion pictures, have created a hilarious ending for The Meg that should have most of us smiling like a son of a b*tch! Watch video below:

Subscribe to How It Should Have Ended

Words by Ross Williams

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