Does footage of Great White shark knocking kayaker into the ocean show they are NOT mindless man-eaters?

Imagine being in the water with a hungry Great White shark in full hunting mode,. This became a reality for one kayak fisherman in South Africa - and it was all caught on camera.

Dev De Lange was out on the water in his native South Africa with a friend one weekend hoping for a calm day’s kayak fishing. As always, he set up and attached his GoPro camera to the front of his kayak, hoping to at best record him reeling in his catch of the day.

Unbeknownst to Dev, in a matter of seconds he would switch from hunter to prey.

Spotting a school of fish powering through the water hurtling towards him, De Lange realises they are putting escaping a chasing shark.

Within seconds, the huge animal smashes into his kayak, sending him toppling right into its lair.

Panicked, the angler then tries desperately to flip his now submerged vessel - but to no avail.

With the shark circling, De Lange puts his all into overturning his kayak, kicking out wildly in his attempts to keep the fish at bay.

Dev manages to clamber back onto his kayak and catch breath with is friend asking if he was ok. A close call but could show how, even when sharks are in full hunting mode, us humans are just not of that much interest to them.

Watch the thrilling video below.

Words by Ross Williams

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