JAWS: A father and son story?

With four boys I often find someone gets lost in the shuffle now and then. My teen who loves football you can assume easily gets my attention. My other son, Ethan, is a huge Star Wars guy and is also all about football lately. Again, it’s like a dad gravitational pull. My toddler, Sam , he just demands my attention constantly, which I can’t ignore. My son, Brody, in true middle child fashion , sometimes gets lost in the shuffle . Of course it’s never intentional, but it does happen. I noticed a little push back from him lately. He’s been acting out and kind of just trying to show me a thing or two. As usual I stick out my stubborn dad chest when defied by my kid and hand out punishment. In this case it was the wrong way to handle it. The correct way to handle was right there…..

JAWS: A Father and Son story?

Yes, that is correct the Steven Spielberg classic from 1975, JAWS( Yes, I will be capitalizing the title the whole article. This is out of respect for the cinematic masterpiece it is) . Brody was named after Chief Martin Brody from this film. JAWS is my favorite movie of all time. It’s a perfect movie. To all those who disagree, welcome to Wrongville. I first showed Brody the movie when he was 5 ( a little young, but I was excited). Brody is 8 now and we haven’t watched it since his first showing. The other day I mentioned that I was due to watch it again. Immediately he said he wanted to stay up late and watch it with me, so we did. We stayed up late on a school night and he patiently sat through me obnoxiously quoting the film. We discussed in depth how we both find sharks so interesting but yet terrifying.

JAWS: A Father and Son story?

I had a blast with him. He literally had all the same astonishment over JAWS that I had as a kid. He also forgot that Ben Gardener’s head popped out of the boat, so that reaction was awesome. It was a great night! I guess sometimes with your kids just like in marriage and friendship you have to make an effort to rekindle a bond. I never want any of my kids to feel lost in the shuffle. Whether it’s football, JAWS, or even something I’m not into I will continue to be conscious of it ( sometime my wife has to point it out ) and make the effort needed.

Words by Thomas Ward. Republished with author’s permission - original artice here. You can subscribe and follow Thomas on Twitter at TFFDad

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