Should Quint have actually hunted the shark from JAWS alone?

Quint’s an experienced shark hunter with a clear motive and soon to be vast reward. Accompanying him is a police chief who ironically dreads being at sea. The other, Matthew Hooper. Young city kid. Know it all, whose just gotten his feet wet.

Usually it’s convenient to have extra hands. In this case, it’s a distraction. The inexperience, the space taken up (including gear), the arguments that ensue. Most of all, Quint is facing his biggest challenge and has something to prove now. 

Should Quint have actually hunted the shark from JAWS alone?

Setting the scene:

As the sunset falls below the Atlantic horizon, Quint grabs another Narraganset Beer out of the fridge. The tide rocks the Orca back and forth, it evens out his own swaying. He sits down at the table, alone. He ponders on the days events. And a roller coaster of a day it was. Quint had come face to face with his biggest bounty, a 25 foot great white shark. Despite what horrors he and his mates witnessed aboard the U.S.S Indianapolis, he can’t help but be fascinated by this fish. The Indianapolis….he takes a big swig of his beer. Quint enjoys the peace and quiet, but his right arm is killing him. A day of chumming, then getting that barrel in the shark by himself. Not his first time, but the extra hands help.

Should Quint have actually hunted the shark from JAWS alone?

He chuckles thinking, some crew though. His mate Salvador had quit on him. Fearing this mission was suicide. And why bother with the other two volunteers? One, a police chief whose scared to even go in the water. The other, a city college boy. He thinks he knows sharks. Probably hasn’t stepped out of the lab long enough to get a sunburn. Quint chuckles at that thought too. He stretches out his right arm and sees his scar. A removed tattoo from when he was aboard the Indianapolis…he finishes off his beer. As he stumbles over to the fridge to grab another Naggerset, the Orca begins to rumble. He can hear the boat being pounded into.The shark is ramming himself into the boat. Time to get to work.

Should Quint have actually hunted the shark from JAWS alone?

The Advantages & Disadvantages

So, what would have happened had Quint gone alone? It would’ve been a daunting task, no doubt. Let’s start with Quints advantages. His shack alone proves he’s the top dog when it comes to shark hunting. It would come to no surprise that he’s went out alone in the past. With that comes more, peace, control and focus on his goal. A payday of $10,000 among other benefits. And, satisfaction of killing a species that terrorized him and his mates after the sinking of the U.S.S Indianapolis. Without his what could’ve been inexperienced crew to distract him. Time would be on Quint’s side. He wouldn’t have to impress Hooper or the chief, which would lead to his escalating frustration. These mistakes that lead to his demise originally, wouldn’t have happened the same in this scenario.

Should Quint have actually hunted the shark from JAWS alone?

The disadvantages, he underestimated his opponent by taking the Orca. With or without help, it’s a dated vessel. Being the big shark hunter of Amity, comes an ego. After boasting in front of the town hall, he is not coming back to shore empty handed. Thus, he’ll provoke the great white. In this case, the shark fiercely provokes back. Quint bragged about catching a 13 footer off Montauk. Impressive, but this is a 25 foot provoking great white shark. And he has to pick up the slack that Brody and Hooper would’ve covered.

Should Quint have actually hunted the shark from JAWS alone?

In conclusion, the showdown between Quint and Bruce. Quint would prevail. Why? In the original plot we see him become increasingly agitated by the 3 barrels not working and the constant back and forth between himself and Hooper. Take note, they were headed into shore to drown and jab at the shark. Quint had a back up plan that didn’t come to pass. His ego was getting the best of him as well. Down deep he wanted to show he was top dog. With him alone, he wouldn’t have been as reckless. He would’ve been very fatigued without a doubt. However, I believe he would’ve been able to bring the shark back to the citizens of Amity.

Words by Hayden Onsott

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